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Using, optical practitioners can easily find your company and all your products.
A listing on the website not only gives you the opportunity to be reached by most optical professionals but also gives you access to them since you can use to locate all retail stores and practitioners by type of practice.
Fully bilingual, this unique website has earned a solid reputation over the years and is now the most important source of information in the Canadian optical industry.
The site is updated daily and can be accessed by eyecare professionals any time of day, any place in the world. It also allows you to modify your profile whenever you wish.
If you are a manufacturer or distributor of any type of product or service that targets the optical industry, this is the right tool for you.
With the website, registered companies are exposed to all optical professionals in a dynamic and user-friendly way. In order to keep their data as accurate as possible, the companies can modify their profiles as often as they wish throughout the year.
Professionals who log on to the Opti-Guide website are sure to find what they are looking for in regards to the Canadian market, thanks to the advanced search engine. Whether it’s a brand, a product, supplier and distributor information, or an association – all is there!
As for the non-professional users, in the public zone, they can find information about all the optical retailers across the country. The site is full of surprises! A visit is a must!
Statistics provides a true connection between optical suppliers and the clients they serve. The website is updated systematically and receives a high volume of traffic.
Average monthly impressions for advertisements*:
*Based on advertisements located in both English and French public and private zones.
Number of Subscribers Registered on the website:
Ocularists, Orthoptists, Ophthalmologists |
Opticians |
Optometrists |
Students, Associations, Free members |
Suppliers |
Retailers |
Technical Specifications

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